Note-taking while listening to a personal history of a soldier at Gallipoli |
We are part of the Year 4 Enrichment group and we have been meeting together since Term 2 in April for an hour a week. At the beginning of our time together we wanted to learn more about the ANZACS. We spent quite a bit of time on the history of the battle in Gallipoli.
We got interested in World War 2 as well and looked at video clips online to learn about the changes to children's lives.
We also are thinking about our big theme of sustainability in our classrooms. We decided to look at how we preserve the memories of those who serve in armed conflict and why this might be important.
In Term 3 three more people joined our group which was great.
Why We Chose our Topic:
We chose our topic because we were interested in history. We chose History on the topic areas and then thought it would be nice to do something about New Zealand's history. We thought about ANZAC Day and then thought how sad it would be if we got taken away from our families. We also chose this topic because it also relates to bullying. Countries can bully other countries and war starts. We thought this topic was fantastic for us. (H-MS & HG)
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